






  1. MOJi指定实体商品可使用MO点或者MO币进行兑换,兑换成功后请填写收件地址信息问卷;
  2. 部分实体商品兑换价格不含邮费,邮费需兑换人自行支付,发货形式为到付(甘肃、新疆、西藏、宁夏、青海、内蒙古、港澳台等地区及海外地区不发货),如工作人员发现地址信息问卷不符合发货条件,将在7个工作日内操作退回已支付MO点(支付MO币也将以MO点形式返回);
  3. 填写问卷并提交后,工作人员会在7个工作日内根据问卷地址邮寄出实体商品(特殊预售商品,实际邮寄时间以该商品兑换说明页实际说明为准);
  4. 若兑换成功后,因个人问题(未及时填写收件地址信息问卷、填写地址信息错误、不符合发货地要求等)导致未收到实体商品或发生损失,责任由用户自身承担。


  1. 虚拟商品兑换成功后预计会有一定到帐延迟,如果等待1小时后仍未到帐,可联系微信-人工客服协助进行解决;
  2. 兑换虚拟商品不可转让/赠送,仅限兑换账号使用;
  3. 部分虚拟商品具有时效性,请兑换后注意使用时间,及时使用。


  1. MO点/MO币一经兑换,非缺货等导致的不可抗力外,不可退换,请谨慎消费;
  2. 若MOJi官方发现有通过非正当手段(包括但不限于作弊、通过机器行为等方式进行恶意刷单、破解、反向工程等)来获取、使用或消耗MO点/MO币,用于兑换MOJi平台上的虚拟或实体有价商品,MOJi官方有权在不事先通知的情况下,取消您不正当MO点/MO币所得,或不予发放所申请兑换的任何商品,并有权要求您赔偿就此对MOJi官方造成的损失;
  3. MOJi官方有权根据产品策略、运营收益的影响调整MO点/MO币的兑换比例、获取与使用规则等,最终解释权归MOJi官方所有;
  4. 使用MO点兑换实体或虚拟商品,或MO点加MO币方式购买的交易,其中使用MO点兑换的部分不支持开具发票。

Online Reading Service

Service Introduction

Due to the fact that most devices do not support Japanese reading, or there are problems with spelling errors, tone errors, or mechanical declarations, in order to provide users with a better reading experience, MOJi provides high-quality AI synthesis voices, and will continue to provide more high-quality voice actors in the future.

Q1: How is the online reading quota consumed?

  • After enabling online reading, when using the translation function to read Japanese, it will consume quotas (word and sentence pronunciation will not consume quotas)
  • Quota consumption = the number of characters in the text to be read (a Japanese character is approximately 1-3 characters)

Q2: How is the quota specifically calculated?

  • The consumption of the quota is related to the number of words in the text. The more words, the more quota is consumed.
  • Repeatedly reading the same text will not consume the quota repeatedly. Each text read will generate a record in the background. If the pronunciation of the text has been generated in the background, the quota will not be consumed for this reading.

Q3: How is the free quota calculated?

Free users, basic members, and premium members: Enjoy a one-time free quota gift of 2000, which will be issued when the function is first used. Free gift quotas do not expire.

Q4: Why can’t I use the function? The function can not be used in the following situations:

  • The remaining quota in the account is not enough to read the current text.
  • The remaining quota in the account is not enough to pay for the recent quota consumption, and the account is in an arrears state.
  • Because the translation function is an exclusive right of members, free users have quotas but can not use them.

Q5: I have already paid for membership, why do I still need to pay for online reading?

In order to ensure the stability and improvement of the service, we need to continuously invest resources and technology, which also means that costs continue to increase. In order to provide you with long-term service, we need to charge a certain fee. Our pricing is based on market prices and service costs, and we hope that you understand.